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John Kerry: Leaving Billionaires Behind Since 1943
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Kerry's Agenda Our Response
Special Interests Kerry and Edwards have spent their careers pandering to the special interests of ordinary Americans. George W. Bush knows his base: the haves and have-mores.
Foreign Relations Kerry wants to win back the trust of fringe countries like Germany, Spain, and Sweden. What need do Billionaires have for sauerkraut, paella, and Ikea?
Minimum Wage Kerry wants to skyrocket the minimum wage so that it meets the cost of living. We don't have a maximum wage, so why should there be a minimum wage?
Foreign Oil Kerry plans to cut back our dependence on foreign oil. Bush knows there's no such thing as "foreign" oil. It all belongs to us!
Deficit Kerry promises to reduce the federal deficit. Enron declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy, why can't the government?
American Jobs Kerry proposes to create 10 million jobs in his first four years. 10 million jobs? Whatever for? We billionaires have never even had to have one!
Education Kerry wants to make a first-class education available to even second-class citizens. Why throw good money at bad people? And how would this help Andover's struggling polo squad anyway?
Healthcare Kerry wants to reign in the rising cost of health insurance. Billionaires say: 44 million uninsured? A good start!



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