PHOTO: Ivy League-Legacy, National Co-Chair, standing up for the rights of Fisher Island's resident elites. Photo by Keisha Rae Witherspoon of the Sun Post.
[9.8.2007] A Tale of Two Protests
- Sun Post - Miami, Fla
"Monday morning commuters along the MacArthur Causeway were confronted by not one, but two protests outside of the Fisher Island Ferry terminal: one staged by a labor union protesting alleged mistreatment of workers on the luxurious island, and a counter-protest rally by a group of supposed "billionaires advocating for the rights and interests of people of absolutely fabulous wealth."
[9.8.2007] Cheeky protesters target Bush, leaders
- CNN.com - Australia
"On Saturday, a group calling themselves "Billionaires for Bush" carried placards reading "bombs not books" and "blood for oil."
The group of 20 were dressed in business suits and were approaching the main rally in Sydney's Hyde Park when they were surrounded by police and told to hand over their placards for their own safety. "Billionaires" organizer Tim Longhurst said police were concerned that they could be the subject of attack if they went into the mostly anti-Bush rally.
[8.30.2007] Buyout Tax Debate Hits the Hamptons
- NY Times - New York, NY
"The group did draw a crowd when two costumed protesters emerged from a limousine, dressed as in the style of "Billionaires for Bush" (think pearls and bow-ties) and sporting nametags that identified them as "Ivy League Legacy" and "Rob Dapore."
- Chronic Magazine - USA
"Sean (Diddy) Combs, Jay-Z, LL Cool J and Alicia Keys were among the notables the NYPD monitored in the months before the convention arrived in New York.
The cops kept tabs on anti-Bush groups like Cabbies Against Bush and Bands Against Bush, as well as Billionaires for Bush, a group not really for Bush at all."
[5.17.2007] Tales from Stasiland: NYPD Spied on "Anti-GOP" Groups
- Harper's Magazine - USA
[4.19.2007] Kremlin justice in the U.S.
- Los Angeles Times - Los Angeles, CA
"The New York Times reported in March that New York City, led by a Republican mayor eager for his party to enjoy a smooth convention, had its police spy on all manner of groups planning demonstrations at the 2004 Republican National Convention. The espionage was carried out under the rubric of anti-terrorism, but many of the groups targeted (such as the satirical street theater group Billionaires for Bush) had not the slightest whiff of violent intent."
[4.11.2007] 'Billionaire' group not stingy on political satire
- Daily Free Press - Boston, Mass
"National co-chair Elissa Jiji, who goes by Meg A. Bucks, said humor proves an effective means to convey a message because it energizes and engages people regardless of whether they agree with the group's message."
[3.30.2007] NYC; How to Tell A Billionaire From a Bomber(Subscription req.)
- New York Times - New York, New York
"Speaking up for that put-upon class is a mission of the Billionaires, whose full name is Billionaires for Bush. You may have seen them in the streets, decked out in tuxes and gowns, praising Big Oil, proclaiming a' la Leona Helmsley that only little people pay taxes and organizing events like Dick Cheney Is Innocent Day. In New York, they have circulated petitions demanding limousine lanes, freed ''from the clutches of bicycles.''
They are, as should be obvious, a band of satirists who don't think much of President Bush (or, for that matter, the never-met-an-unwelcome-developer climate of the Bloomberg City Hall)."
[3.26.2007] City Asks Court Not to Unseal Police Spy Files
- New York Times - New York, New York
"One group that learned it had been the subject of an intelligence report, Billionaires for Bush, offered a lighthearted response to the news. The group, a satirical troupe, dresses in tuxedos and gowns to provide faux endorsements of the administration.
Marco Ceglie, a national co-chairman who performs as Monet Oliver d'Place, said a member of the group known as Meg A. Buck had issued a statement: "We suspect they were looking for stock tips.""
[3.25.2007] City Police Spied Broadly Before G.O.P. Convention(Subscription req.)
- New York Times - New York, New York
"The satirical performance troupe Billionaires for Bush, which specializes in lampooning the Bush administration by dressing in tuxedos and flapper gowns, was described in an intelligence digest on Jan. 23, 2004.
"Billionaires for Bush is an activist group forged as a mockery of the current president and political policies,'' the report said. ''Preliminary intelligence indicates that this group is raising funds for expansion and support of anti-R.N.C. activist organizations.""
[2.25.2007] The truth about coal
- International Herald Tribune - Earth
"Last Wednesday, members of the Rainforest Action Network, a scrappy little advocacy group, assembled in New York outside the Citigroup Center, where Merrill Lynch has a branch office. Dressed in top hats, carrying bags of coal and calling themselves "Billionaires for Coal," the group was protesting what it felt was the hypocrisy of a giant investment bank that proclaims a devout commitment to "environmental excellence" even as it provides financing for dirty power plants."
[1.30.2007] Environmental Group Delivers Lumps of Coal to Merrill Lynch to Protest Texas Power Plant Project
- FoxNews.com - USA
""Billionaires for Coal" and members of the nonprofit Rainforest Action Network staged the stunt to protest the bank's role in financing Dallas-based utility company TXU's plan to build 11 new coal power plants across Texas in the coming years."
[1.30.2007] Merrill Targeted by Global Warming Protest Over TXU
- Bloomberg.com - USA
"More than a dozen demonstrators costumed as Wall Street financiers -- black dress coats, white spats, top hats fashioned from cardboard -- congregated outside the entrance to the company's New York City headquarters this morning and handed leaflets to employees arriving for work. ``Merrill Lynch -- Banking on Climate Destruction,'' the leaflets said."

[9.10.2006] PHOTO and CAPTION: "Parade judge Amy Newton, 11, holds the "bribe" she got from " Billionaires for Bush" -- just for vote-swaying fun." (Photo by Chris Pietsch/The Register-Guard)
- The Register-Guard , Eugene, OR
[9.10.2006] Judges pay attention: At the annual Eugene Celebration parade.
- The Register-Guard - Eugene, OR
"The "Billionaires for Bush" entry featured a woman pretending to sip from an oil can while she stood in the sunroof of a long, white stretch limo. Her cohorts, also "loyal to oil," handed out fake cash to onlookers."
[9.9.2006] Cheney Visits Harvard Club Through Back Door
- The Harvard Crimson - Boston, MA
"A group of self-proclaimed 'Billionaires for Bush and Cheney,' dressed to the nines, serenaded the crowd: "All we are saying is give greed a chance!""

PHOTO: Millie O'Nair, Richly Upholstered Chair of the Eugene, Oregon chapter, strikes a very rich pose for the Eugene Weekly.
[8.3.2006] Happening Person: Erin Ely
- The Eugene Weekly - Eugene, OR
""I'm an instigator," says Erin Ely, wearing a gold lamE jacket and jewelry befitting her status as organizer for the local chapter of Billionaires for Bush. "I get things started.""
[5.1.2006] Estate-tax repeal: a morality play Proponents of keeping the tax view the issue as one of 'fairness and equity.'
- The Christian Science Monitor - USA
"Also showing up (not by accident) was a parody group, Billionaires for Bush, that frequently attacks the "Dynasty Tax." No mercy was shown the 18 billionaire families. "We pay good money to get rid of laws we don't like," said a woman who took the name Iva Fortune.""
[5.1.2006] Protesters March for Broad Agenda in New York
- The New Standard - Syracuse, NY
[4.17.2006] Billionaires For Bush Celebrate Tax Day
- People's Weekly World - USA
"As Ola Garky, Senior Policy Analyst for Billionaires For Bush explained, iThis most recent round of tax cuts will continue to explode the deficit by giving away over $900 Billion to the super-rich over the next ten years."
[4.15.2006] Anti-War Protesters Talk Taxes In Suburban Post Offices
- WBBM NewsRadio 780 - Chicago, IL
"...they got their point across with such comments as, "It's a clever war. We've gotten all these Iraqi terrorists to attack us in Iraq, and we're saving them plane fare on top of it. It's a win-win situation."
[4.14.2006] Billionaires For Bush Celebrate Tax Day!
- CommonDreams.org - USA
"Dressed to the nines in tuxedos and ball gowns, delighted Billionaires For Bush will gather in cities across the country to say to American taxpayers, "Thank YOU for paying OUR fair share!""
[3.22.2006] War opponents gather in downtown Chicago
- Quad-City Times - Iowa

PHOTO: The new "Bring Them Home Now!" postage stamp designed by Billionaires For Bush founder Andrew Boyd. You can buy them here: www.bringthemhomenow.com
[3.21.2006] Iraq Turns Four: To Rock or Protest?
- The Village Voice - New York, NY
"Earlier in the night, Darryl "DMC" McDaniels of Run-DMC fame joined antiwar activists in the unveiling of a new antiwar postage stamp featuring a yellow ribbon transposed over a peace symbol.
The fully legit stamp was designed by Andrew Boyd, one of the founders of the spoof group Billionaires for Bush, who said he got the idea from online sites that allow people to create their own stamps.
The stamps cost a dollar each, with proceeds going to fund the vets and military families on the "Bring 'Em Home Now!" tour. You can buy them here.
"Perfect for mailing petitions to Congress or posting your tax returns," Boyd said."
Click Here to see Andrew's pictures from the event.
[3.21.2006] Funny Money: The Billionaires' limo ride from easy street to the stage
- The Village Voice - New York, NY
"You've seen them at rallies. You've seen them at demonstrations. Now you can catch that most theatrical of protest groups, the Billionaires for Bush, in a place both unlikely and inevitableoa theater."
[3.19.2006] 7,000 march against war on Mag Mile
- Chicago Sun Times - Chicago, IL
"Also at the plaza were members of the Chicago chapter of "Billionaires for Bush,'' who carried a myriad of signs: "It's a class war and we're winning," "Cheney is innocent," "Bush lied: We made billions."
The "Billionaires" chanted, "Four more wars,'' "This is what plutocracy looks like,'' "Money for war and privatization, put the poor on reservations."
"We decided to use humor instead of anger," said Sandy Bykowski, who wore a faux leopard fur hat, fake jewels, a fancy dress and a feather boa.
A tuxedo-clad Brent Mesick, from Lake View, said the group mocks President Bush's appeal to average people. "He is really for the upper East Coast," Mesick said. "The people he represents are the billionaires.""
[3.19.2006] Protesters Sound Off: Opponents take to streets
- New Brunswick Home News Tribune - New Brunswick, NJ
"Somebody told you this is ironic?" asked Lee Davis of Hillside, wearing a name tag on her coat that read, "Hello My Name Is Livina Mansion." "Those of us married to a war profiteer have done very well."
Speaking in character as a member of "Billionaires for Endless War," Davis discounted the frightened and injured Iraqi children staring out from 30- by 40-inch posters. "Somebody has to pay the price to do well, and better somebody else's children than any of mine. And mine are at Yale."
War opponents gather in downtown Chicago, prepare for Michigan Avenue march
- The San Jose Mercury News (via the Associated Press) - San Jose, CA
"In Chicago's federal plaza, about 150 demonstrators passed out leaflets and listened to speeches. Many held signs calling for the end of the U.S. involvement in Iraq as a group of tuxedo-wearing, mock counter-protesters - calling themselves "Billionaires for Bush" - shouted "wars and occupation, not jobs and education."
[3.15 - 28.2006]
Theater in the City with Raven Snook: Push, Push for the Bush!
- L Magazine - New York, NY
"With all the buzz about impeaching the President (at least in my circles), Iim thrilled to see that his most glamorous supporters, Billionaires For Bush, have not abandoned him."
[3.15 - 21.2006] Springtime For Billionaires
- New York Press - New York, NY
"Those singini & dancini BILLIONAIRES FOR BUSH, whoive never shied away from the simple fact that They Own You (and everything else), are bringing their latest satirical review back to Ace of Clubs beginning MARCH 18, with new songs, new sketches and new games to play."
[3.14.2006] Follow the Money
- Capitol Hill Blue - Washington, DC
"Sometimes, through, you can find a dose of humor among the corruption of big money. Like "Billionaires for Bush," a 527 group formed in 2000."
[3.2006] The Billionaires Are Back
- The Brooklyn Rail - Brooklyn, NY
"We make the streets of New York into the theater of dissent," said Robin Eublind. "New Yorkers, media, politicians - they all become a part of our script."
[3.01.2006] Billionaires for Bush
- Because we are all in this together, sort of
- The Philadelphia Jewish Voice - Philadelphia, PA
"For much of the 20th century, democratic notions like "opportunity for all" and "public service" dominated American public policy, seriously threatening the privileges of wealth all Billionaires depend on."
[2.22-28.2006] Feeling like a pheasant;
Cheneyis rules of the game
- The Villager - New York City, NY

[1.23.2006] PHOTO and CAPTION: "Robin Eublind (left) and Matine E. Launch III, of Billionaires for W, join union workers and merchants from
the Bronx Terminal Market at a rally on the steps of City Hall to protest a proposal to build a big-box store on the site of the market." (Photo by Ron Antonelli)
- NY Daily News, New York, NY
[1.2006] Billionaires for Bush
- NewYorkCool.com - New York City, NY
"Wendy: Have any Billionaire children died fighting in Iraq?"
"Meg A. Bucks: Like the President and Vice President, and well most of the Republican leadership, Billionaires don't go into combat. That's why we have the middle class."
Click Here to read NYCool's raving review of December's Dick Cheney Holiday Spectacular!
2005 Billionaire Press Highlights

PHOTO: Getty Images photographer Landon Nordeman captures Count D'Monet as he grabs a break from the rabble and a bite to eat while on the 2004 National "Get on the Limo" Tour.
[12.05.2005] Dick Cheney's Holiday Spectacular 2005 Premieres Dec. 19
- Broadway World - Monsey, NY
[11.20.2005] A day for protest shopping
- Ledger-Enquirer.com - Columbus, GA
[11.15.2005] Oh no, Grannies won't go
- New York Newsday - New York, NY
[11.14.2005] Another anti-war movement taking shape? - Activists say current protests outpacing Vietnam era
- The Columbia Chronicle - Chicago, IL
"Ayers said one of the things more prevalent in this movement is its use of humor, satire and the arts as a form of subversion and resistance, using the radical cheerleaders and Billionaires for Bush as examples."
[11.03.2005] 1,000 stage Loop protest against Bush administration
- Chicago Sun Times - Chicago, IL
"Comedian and radio personality Aaron Freeman and fellow performers dressed in costume to become "Billionaires for Bush," holding signs such as "Wealth Care Not Health Care" and calling Bush "the finest president we have ever owned -- he has been a fabulous investment for us."
[10.20.2005] Dear Abbie's Esquire Talking with Gerald Lefcourt, attorney to stars many, motley, and magnanimous
- Village Voice - New York, NY
"Did the protests of the last few years remind you at all of the '60s? A little bit. One of the ones that reminded me a little bit of Abbie was that group Billionaires for Bush. That's sort of an Abbie type notion."

"PHOTO: NYC Billionaires outside of a Manahattan Starbucks on August 6th, 2005, shortly after presenting the Starbucks manager our prestigious Better Billionaires Business Bureau Award for Outstanding Unfair Labor Practices." Photo by Ryan Speth
[10.16.2005] Marching for peace as a proud duty
- Roanoke Times - Roanoke, VA
"They carried signs that said things like "Leave No Billionaire Behind." One man wore white pants, a double-breasted navy blazer, a red ascot and a white yachting cap. His sign read, "Yacht Owners for Bush." The whole group sang sweetly, "All we are saying is give greed a chance."
[10.02.2005] Peace Marchers Recall Vietnam War
- Arkansas Democrat-Gazette - Little Rock, AR
"...to make peace. I hear someone chanting, "Where's the profit in peace?" and there are the Billionaires for Bush."
[10.02.2005] I saw it happen on Willamitte Street
- The Register-Guard - Eugene, OR
"The sign that read "Impeach? We Paid for 8 Years!" would have brought George W. Bush to tears. Waving bottles of Dubya's Rid-X-Shampoo, the activists said the Prez hasn't got a clue. They spoke words such as Cronyism and Competence, tongue-in-cheek..."
[9.25.2005] Some Go By the Book; Others Follow Their Conscience
-Washington Post - Washington D.C.
[9.25.2005] Hundreds voice feelings on Iraq
- East Vally Tribune - Phoenix, AZ
Restive Tinseltown Has New Hunger forAactivism
- Los Angeles Daily News - Los Angeles, CA
"... Responding to the "What is to be done" question at the forum, rapper Wil B of the parody group Billionaires for Bush urged hip-hop musicians to sing about positive social change instead of gangstas and hos ..."

"PHOTO: A group calling itself Billionaires for Bush protested outside the Target Center, saying that the president's policies have largely benefited the wealthy." Photo by Mark Zdechlik / Minnesota Public Radio
[08.10.2005] Billioniares Rush to the Aid of StarBucks Billionaires could not sip their lattes idly while StarBuck$ faced attacks by ungrateful workers.
- NYC IndyMedia - New York, NY
"...a bevy of Billionaires recognized our #1 specialty coffee retailer for its outstanding performance in union-busting and its continuing commitment to pay its baristas unlivable wages."
May Day's Meaning Not Forgotten at Village Marches
- The Villager - New York,NY
Bush's Art Police Coming to a Venue Near You
- Minnesota Daily - Minneapolis,MN
Protesters And Supporters Voice Opinions From Afar
- WLTX.com - Columbia, SC
Procrastinating Taxpayers Get an Earful on Tax-Day
- Epoch Times - New York, NY
... One group called "Billionaires for Bush," used satirical humor to criticize tax cuts received by higher income individuals ..."

"PHOTO: Billionaires for Bush turned out on April 15th to thank the workers for paying their taxes, while the wealthiest Americans enjoy huge tax cuts." Photo by Anthony Maresco
"Billionaires for Bush" Celebrate Tax Day
- The Modern Tribune - Wappingers Falls, NY
Students protest JP Morgan
- Washington Square News - New York, NY
"... Members of Billionaires for Bush, dressed in top hats, tails and ball gowns, joked with the NYU "investigators" about JP Morgan Chase's financial practices."
[4.11.2005] In Defense of Starving Yachtsmen Everywhere
- Newark Star Ledger - Newark, NJ
"Laugh once, think twice." That's the mantra offered by Marco Ceglie..."
Coalition Pressures Congress to Reject Bankruptcy Bill; Rallies ...
- OpEdNews - New York, NY
[3.31.2005] Anti-Bush rally set in Montpelier
- Barre Montpelier Times Argus - Barre, VT
[3.22.2005] Protesters Rip Plan for Private Accounts
Rocky Mountain News - Denver, CO
[2.10.2005] The young and the older gather at the Blue Dragon for food and ...
- Albuquerque Tribune - Albuquerque,NM
"In the next, the satirist campaigners Billionaires for Bush carried facetious signs such as "Corporations are people too" and "Four more wars."
[1.31.2005] Newspaper Buys Billionaire Act
- Detroit Free Press - Detroit, MI
"... Clark, a former volunteer for the Democratic Kerry-Edwards campaign, is part of a group called Billionaires for Bush, which seems to exist for the sole purpose ..."
[1.30.2005] Gaps in Disclosure, and in Satire
- Washington Post (Subscription) - Washington D.C.
"... Thanks to Erik Wemple of Washington's City Paper, we now know that Rich R. Danu was part of a group called "Billionaires for Bush, a bunch of lefty satirists ..."
[1.27.2005] New firie for Anchorage!
- Anchorage Press - Anchorage,AK
2005 Inaugural Press Highlights [01/26/05 - 01/14/05]:
The Losersi Inaugural Ball
- The Hill - Washington D.C. - 1.26.2005
"...Billionaires for Bush hold ball, or is it a bash? ... Susan Anderson - aka "Wortha Fortune" - founded the Lansing chapter of Billionaires for Bush last month."
PHOTO: "'Billionaires' drown their sorrows and dress rich last week at Platinum nightclub." Photo by Eric Powell / The Hill
Disloyal Allies
-City Paper Online - USA 1.26.2005
"This was the party for the Billionaires for Bush, a street-theater protest group that has grown into a national phenomenon ..."
- Celebration, Dissent & Big-Money Politics
- Lone Star Iconoclast - Crawford,TX - 1.25.2005
"... As the event, hosted by a theatre troupe called Billionaires for Bush, wore on, several guests flexed their political muscle with commentary on the issues of ..."
- Addressing the Inauguration The newsweeklies weigh in on Bush's Inauguration
- Slate.com - USA - 1.24.2005
"...Only Time discusses the protestors, noting: "The satirical Billionaires for Bush auctioned off Social Security and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge before ..."
- Spell-casting, Drums Set Tone at Capitol
- Denver Post - Denver, CO - 1.21.2005
"... He said his name was "Major Bigshot." His friend, "Sharon Znotferme" - with a "Billionaires for Bush" sign - joined in singing the praises of lower taxes for..."
Mid-Michigan Backers, Critics Mark Big Day
- Lansing State Journal - Lansing, MI - 1.21.2005
"...Billionaires for Bush hold ball, or is it a bash? ... Susan Anderson - aka "Wortha Fortune" - founded the Lansing chapter of Billionaires for Bush last month."
- Bush inauguration Provokes Cheers and Jeers
- Kansas City Star - Kansas City, MO - 1.21.2005
- Anti Bush Rallies Held
- Bowling Green News - Bowling Green, OH - 1.21.2005

2004 PHOTO: "Count De Monet of Billionaires for Bush prepares for an event on the group's National "Get on the Limo" Tour. Photo by Landon Nordeman / Getty Images
- Event Attracts Bush Backers, Detractors
- Times Picayune - New Orleans,LA - 1.21.2005
- The Perfect Antidote For the Bush Blues
- Washington Post- Washington D.C. - 1.21.2005

PHOTO: "The satirical troupe Billionaires for Bush perform at the Alternative Inaugural Ball at the National Press Club..." Photo by Len Spoden / The Washington Post
- Balls, Banquets And Protests Mark Start Of Bush's Second Term
- Radio Free Europe - Prague,Czech Republic - 1.20.2005
"...Protest groups included one that calls itself "Billionaires for Bush." They criticized what they call Bush's "tax cuts for the rich," which they say will..."
- Snow Won't Keep Protesters at Bay
- Washington Times - Washington D.C. - 1.20.2005
- Thanks a billion, Group Tells Bush
- Orlando Sentinel - Orlando, FL - 1.20.2005
"The Billionaires for Bush will be out in force today, mingling with the thousands of well-wishers and party animals celebrating the president's ..."
2004 PHOTO: "Jesse Tendler of New York portrays the character Noah Countability for the Billionaires for Bush organization during a visit Tuesday from first lady Laura Bush in Henderson. The satiric anti-Bush 527 group is hitting four Western battleground states." Photo by ISAAC BREKKEN/REVIEW-JOURNAL
- Bush Opponents Plan Inaugural Protests
- Journal Times Online - Racine, WI - 1.19.2005
- Some are heading to DC; Others Prefer Satire at Home
- Santa Barbara News-Press - Santa Barbara,CA - 1.19.2005
"...gatherings planned is a mock ball -- "Inaugural Ball and Cheney" -- in downtown Santa Barbara, presented by the tongue-in-cheek "Billionaires for Bush."
- It's not the Dems' Party, They'll Cruise if They Want To
- Coshocton Tribune - Coshocton,OH - 1.19.2005
"...It also will feature the tongue-in-cheek "Billionaires for Bush," described as "a grass-roots network of corporate lobbyists, decadent heiresses, and Halliburton CEOs."
- Boots Black Ties And Hilary Duff
- Time- USA - 1.17.2005
- Friend or foe, to DC they go
- Dallas Morning News - Dallas, TX - 1.17.2005
"... Also on the to-do list: a peace march, the inaugural parade and the Billionaires for Bush Re-Coronation Inaugural Ball."
- Protests expected for Bush inauguration
- IAfrica South African News- Cape Town,South Africa - 1.17.2005
- Iowans are ready to party at Bush inaugural Protesters turning out...
- DesMoinesRegister.com- Des Moines,IA - 1.16.2005
2004 PHOTO: CAPTAIN'S FABLE: Wylie Stecklow, also known as Count d' Monet, explains Billionaires for Bush to Valerie Carpender in Minneapolis on August 17. The group is a street-theater and media troupe using parody to communicate its belief that the Bush administration has favored the corporate elite at the expense of ordinary Americans" Photo by LANDON NORDEMAN/GETTY IMAGES - Parody as Protest at
- Phone lines sizzled as hopefuls sought DC's 'hot ticket'
Cleveland Plain Dealer- Cleveland,OH - 1.16.2005
"... opportunity," she said, adding that members of her group plan to attend Democratic events afterward, like a satirical "Billionaires for Bush Re-Coronation ..."
- Celebrating the Freedom to Cozy up to Political Power
- Houston Chronicle - Houston,TX - 1.16.2005
- Inaugural events in Washington, DC
Minneapolis Star Tribune (subscription)- Minneapolis,MN - 1.16.2005
"... Washington Court Hotel starting at 6 pm The event, costing $50 per person, will include music from the Oxymorons and a performance by Billionaires for Bush."
- Bush inauguration likely to provoke widespread protests
Kansas City Star (subscription) - Kansas City,MO - 1.15.2005
"... The satirical group Billionaires for Bush plans to "auction off" Social Security and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge at the FDR Memorial on the Mall, then..."
- A security blanket to cover Washington
- San Diego Union Tribune - San Diego,CA - 1.15.2005
- Thousands of protestors expected for "counter-inaugural"
- Palm Beach Post - Palm Beach,FL - 1.14.2005
"... Other counter-inaugural activities include a "Billionaires for Bush" Coronation Ball; a mock Auction Off of Social Security and the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge..."
Anti-Bush inaugural bashes to abound
- Washington Times - Washington,DC - 1.15.2005
2004 RNC and Campaign Press Highlights (NOTE: Some links may be inactive)
[11/01/04] Democracy 2004 By Richard Avedon
- The New Yorker
PHOTO: "Members of the activist group Billionaires for Bush (from top left): Robert Mandeltort (accountant), Howard J. Wilk (chemist), Shilpa Narayan (legal assistant), Eileen Appel (former Wall Street executive), Christopher Ditto (writer), Kristine Allen (public-radio program director), Melody Bates (actress), Kurt Opprecht (writer), Avalon Hodges (actress)." Photograph / RICHARD AVEDON
[10/04/04] Street theater troupe tweaks president in the Las Vegas Review-Journal
[10/03/04] Buzz over debate has caught voters' attention The Morning-Journal (AP story)
[10/03/04] Concert tunes voters to issues
The Toledo Blade
[09/09/04] Parody as Protest at
[09/08/04] Edwards attacks Bush in Waukesha in the Lake County Reporter (WI)
[09/03/04] 'Billionaires'
protest in Tumwater in The Olympian
2004 RNC coverage [08/30/04 - 09/02/04]:
[08/18/04] Must Be the Money in
River Front Times (St. Louis)
[08/10/04] Comic actors hit Michigan
streets, jab Bush as fat cats' pal in The Detroit Free Press
[08/10/04] Convention games
(scroll down) in The Financial Times
[08/06/04] Protesters
take to streets with fists in the air, tongues in cheek in The Cleveland Plain Dealer
[08/03/04] The Art of Party Crashing Village Voice

PHOTO: "Billionaires for Bush: Properly attired for class warfare" Photo by Fred Askew - www.fredaskew.com
[08/04/04] Billion Man March in The Cleveland Free Times
[07/28/04] Comical Politics Outside Convention on FOXNews.com
[07/28/04] Anti-Bush group delivers message using humor, street theater in The Kansas City Star
[07/28/04] Billionaires for Bush on WBUR Boston
[07/28/04] Billionaires for Bush! (Relax people, it's a joke.) in The Boston Phoenix
[07/21/04] No Justice, No Golf! in New
York Press (online)
[07/20/04] Protestors making jabs at
President Bush on KCRG-TV (Iowa)
[07/20/04] Street theater crashes GOP event: Tactics called into question in The Meadville Tribune
[07/13/04] Protests will run gamut at GOP gathering in NYC in USA Today
[06/25/04] Isn't It Ironic? Left-Leaning Protest Groups Get Behind Bush at MTV.com
[05/03/04] Groups gear up for big RNC protests at MSNBC.com

PHOTO: "Members of the Boston chapter of Billionaires for Bush, a satire group that mocks the relationship between big business and the White House, protest a visit by President Bush to Massachusetts on March 25." Photo by William B. Plowman / Getty Images file
[04/28/04] Bejeweled Biggies Back Bush, Baby in The Hartford Courant
[04/23/04] Group spices up protests in the Akron Beacon Journal
[04/22/04] Protesters plan for the Republican Convention in CBS News (NYC)
[04/20/04] Protesters Planning Big Presence for GOP Convention on ABC Eyewitness News (NYC)
[04/18/04] Billionaires take the time to thank 'the little people' in The Times (London)
[04/16/04] Dressed To the Nines For the 1040 in The New York Times
Satiric eBillionaires for Bushi Expose Presidentis Policies in the Berkeley Daily Planet
[04/04/04] Billionaires on the Move in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany)
[03/28/04] The Birth of the Meta-Protest Rally? in The New York Times Magazine
[03/26/04] Billionaires for Bush? Well, yes and no in The Boston Globe
[03/12/04] Billionaires for Bush Test Dramatic Protest Tactic on NPR's Day to Day
[03/04/04] Billionaires for Bush in The Harvard Crimson
[03/01/04] Republicans rally at Bush's alma mater in Yale Daily News
[02/25/04] Louder Than Words in New York Press
[02/23/04] To Greet G.O.P., Protests of Varying Volume in The New York Times
[02/19/04] Now in Previews, Political Theater in the Street in The New York Times
[01/30/04] Bush: Tax Cuts Boosted Economy in The Valley News (NH)
[01/25/04] Scenes from the NH Primary: Mission Impossible in The Concord Monitor
[01/11/04] Political Ads Go Grassroots on CBS Evening News
Press Releases
[04/14/05] Billionaires For Bush Celebrate Tax Day Across the Nation
[03/21/05] Billionaires For Bush Auction Social
Security on eBay
[03/05/05] Billionaires For Bush Cry: iSocial Security: Make it
Neither!i Launching National Week of Action
[03/03/05] Billionaires For Bush Welcomed at Securities
Industry Association Capital Markets Conference in New York City
[02/18/05] Billionaires For Bush Thank President Bush for Pro-Billionaire Budget
[01/16/05] Billionaires for Bush to Auction Social Security on Inauguration Day in
Washington, D.C.
[01/15/05] Media Alert: Billionaires for Bush to Auction Social Security on Inauguration
[11/03/04] Billionaires
for Bush Hail Bush Victory and Look Forward to i4 More Warsi
[10/29/04] Billionaires for Bush Blanket the Battleground with 100 Chapters Nationwide
[09/23/04] Billionaires for Bush to Tour Southwest Battleground States in Stretch Limo
[09/19/04] Billionaires for Bush to Celebrate "Education is Not for Everyone Day" Across
the Nation
[09/04/04] Billionaires for Bush to Celebrate iCheap Labor Dayi Across the Nation
[08/24/04] Billionaires for Bush to Hold iMillion Billionaire Marchi at RNC in NYC
[08/13/04] Billionaires to Hold Nationwide "Cheney Is Innocent" Vigils
and Launch Cheney Defense Fund
[07/22/04] Billionaires for Bush Launch Limo Tour in Swing States
[07/22/04] Billionaires for Bush to Defy Democratic National Convention
[06/16/04] Billionaires for Bush Waltz Across Bridges Nationwide to Widen the Healthcare Gap
[04/13/04] Billionaires for Bush to Thank Taxpayers for Increasing the Fortunes of the Wealthiest %1
[03/19/04] Billionaires for Bush Call for Four More Wars
[03/09/04] Billionaires for Bush Hail Chief at Long Island Fundraiser
[02/13/04] Billionaires for Bush to Welcome Karl Rove to NYC at Upcoming Bush Fundraiser Event
[01/09/04] Billionaires for Bush Nab Finalist Spot in MoveOn Ad Contest