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March 3, 2005

For more information contact:

Alan Greenspend
National Co-Chair

Lucinda Regulations
Director of Public Relations

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Billionaires For Bush Welcomed at Securities Industry Association Capital Markets Conference in New York City

New York, NY, March 3, 2005 With a nod to mutual interests in brokerizing Social Security, the Security Industry Association (SIA) welcomed corporate elite advocacy group Billionaires For Bush (B4B) at its Capital Markets Conference Thursday morning in New York City.  Bearing gifts of fine cigars and the promise of continued backroom deals between the two organizations, the Billionaires were greeted with enthusiasm by members of the SIA.  A high resolution photo of B4B National Co-Chair Alan Greenspend and SIA Keynote Speaker Tom Donohue, President and CEO of the US Chamber of Commerce, is on view below.

Billionaires For Bush are pleased with the SIA's dedicated role as supporter of the largest business-backed lobby for brokerizing Social Security, the Alliance for Worker Retirement Security (AWRS), and look forward to sharing the estimated $39 to $279 billion in Wall Street broker's fees generated by a brokerized program.

“We Billionaires like to call the lobby’Alliance for OUR Retirement Security’,“ said Alan Greenspend. ’The securities industry contributed $36 million to President Bush's 2004 campaign, so the $39 billion paid out to securities firms under a Brokerized Social Security is a 100,000% return on investment!  That's in the Halliburton zone!’

Additionally, the Billionaires are unconcerned that AWRS leading firm Edward Jones backed out of the alliance following protests last month.  Mr. Greenspend said, ’The SIA is a staunch supporter of continued profits for the super-rich, and won't be swayed by any objections by retirees or the middle class.’  The Billionaires see it through similar eyes, he said. ’Wherever there is a profit to be made, the Billionaires will be there.’

Energized by the event, Director of Billionaire Speakers Bureau Ivy League-Legacy said, ’WE are the Ownership Society, we are making every effort to make Social Security Neither, to take from Main Street to give to Wall Street.’

Billionaires For Bush look forward to a continued and profitable relationship with the Securities Industry Association, and were delighted to show their support during the Capital Markets Conference. 

About Billionaires For Bush

Billionaires For Bush is a do-it-yourself street theater and media campaign using humor to show how the Bush administration has favored the corporate elite at the expense of everyday Americans. B4B is an independent 527 committee, with headquarters in NYC and over 50 chapters nationwide. For more information, please visit:




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