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Be a Billionaire!

  As guardians of privilege and power, it's our sacred duty to defend the Bush administration from freedom-loving accountability addicts in the Progressive movement. Here you'll find the tools and information you need to help us hold on to America.

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Eager to put your billions to work? Browse the chapter directory to see if there's a local Billionaires chapter near you! If you can't find a chapter in your area, consider starting your own (see below).

Billionaires for Bush Do-It-Yourself Manual »
Envious of our wealth and political muscle? Now you too can join the ranks of the filthy rich with our brand new Billionaires for Bush Do-It-Yourself Manual. Full of action ideas, organizing tips, materials and more, this kit contains everything you need to become a billionaire in no time!

e-Action Center »
Take part in e-mail actions to remind policymakers that we paid for their campaigns and demand they stick to their end of the bargain and promote the Billionaire agenda.

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Spread the word! Invite your business associates and yacht club members to visit our website and help re-appoint George W. Bush.

Spinning the Issues »
It�s fun to be a Billionaire. In fact, sometimes it�s so much fun that we get carried away camping it up as an obnoxious rich person and lose track of the message we�re trying to get out. We created this messaging guide to help us all stay more on message. From years of experience, we�ve learned that an effective political campaign requires tight message discipline. Please review these messaging guidelines and encourage all fellow Billionaires to use them. Let�s have fun and be effective messengers.



Billionaire CD!
Stay the Course!
Stay the Course!

You decide
what you pay
per song!

Give 'em a listen!
Click here.

2008 Billionaire
Wall Calendar

The 2008 Billionaire Wall Calendar!

The 2008 Billionaire Wall Calendar! Click here.

Now Available
on DVD!
Get on the Limo! Click Here Now!

Own yours today.
Click here.

Catch the trailer at

(Website requires Flash Player 8)

Whistle while you plunder: Buy our Music CDs

Watch The Big Business Minute On INN! Click Here Now!

Watch the archives on the I.N.N. website, including a clip show of the first season,

Social Insecurity Calculator

See how much privatization will cost
taxpayers while we
reap billions!

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Billionaire name!


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