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Southwest Limo Tour

Our Midwest Swing State "Get on the Limo" Tour was a smashing success! We hounded Bush and Cheney at their campaign appearances, energized local chapters, and garnered over 30 local and national media hits. Most importantly, we started a trail of solid new Billionaires for Bush chapters in the Midwest swing states, all of which are now reminding voters just how good the last four years have been for the corporate elite at the expense of everyone else!

But our work in the swing states isn't through, and the Billionaires are hitting the campaign trail in style once again — this time in the Southwest! Kicking-off from our West Coast headquarters in Los Angeles on September 26th, we're taking our limo (okay, we're actually renting a passenger van) through the crucial Southwestern swing states to tell voters the good news: forget job losses, no-bid contracts and sky-rocketing healthcare costs, Dubya and Dick are the best friends Billionaires have ever had in the White House. Four more years! Four more wars! Click here for detailed information.

Read updates from the road posted to our blog.

Help Keep the Tank Full: Donate Now!

Thanks to your generous donations, we raised enough money to take our limo tour through the Midwest. But the class war isn't over and a tough fight remains in the Southwest. Help us take our message to the Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico!

We know that true Billionaires expect perks and kickbacks, so we’ve devised the following “thank you” scheme for our most esteemed donors.

As a 527 we are authorized to accept donations in all amounts — no amount is too small or too large! Even donations of $10 or $20 dollars go a long way.

Billionaires for Bush is also grateful for in-kind donations of office space, limousines or local limousine rentals, frequent flyer miles or airfare, hotel accommodations and gasoline.



Billionaire CD!
Stay the Course!
Stay the Course!

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per song!

Give 'em a listen!
Click here.

2008 Billionaire
Wall Calendar

The 2008 Billionaire Wall Calendar!

The 2008 Billionaire Wall Calendar! Click here.

Now Available
on DVD!
Get on the Limo! Click Here Now!

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Click here.

Catch the trailer at

(Website requires Flash Player 8)

Whistle while you plunder: Buy our Music CDs

Watch The Big Business Minute On INN! Click Here Now!

Watch the archives on the I.N.N. website, including a clip show of the first season,

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