Block the Vote Hero
Glenda Hood
Florida Sec. of State
Glenda approved a scrub list barring 48,000 mostly African-American "potential" felons (but only 61 Hispanics) from voting. After bravely fighting in the courts to hide the names from the public, Hood finally
admitted that the list was a failure.
Block the Vote Hero
John Pappageorge
Michigan State Representative
John boldly said that the Republicans would do poorly in Michigan if they failed to "suppress the Detroit vote." (Yes, he actually said that.) Detroit, of course, is 83% black.
Block the Vote Hero
Katherine Harris
Ex-Florida Sec. of State
A Jeb Bush appointee and head of the George W. Bush campaign in Florida, Katherine courageously stopped the counting of her state's votes in the days after the 2000 presidential election. She then certified that George W. Bush had carried the State of Florida.
Block the Vote Hero
J. Kenneth Blackwell
Ohio Sec. of State
Kenny had the foresight to require that all new voter registrations be submitted on "white, uncoated paper of not less than 80-pound text weight." He made this announcement after seeing voter registration increase by 250% in Ohio's Democratic areas. |
Block the Vote Hero
Mary Kiffmeyer
Minnesota Sec. of State
Mary has cleverly instituted a number of measures that require extra-legal documents in order to vote on Election Day. Nonpartisan observers say these measures include: the state's software system not being ready and Mary's fight against translating voting forms into Spanish.
Block the Vote Hero
Geo Morales
Florida State Police
Jeb Bush's policemen are heroically intimidating successful get-out-the-vote activists in the African-American community. They have gone to the homes of many elderly blacks and "investigated" them for voting fraud, sometimes revealing their firearms along the way.
Block the Vote Hero
John Shewairy
Dept. Homeland Security
While working for the Dept. of Homeland Security, John attempted to ban nonpartisan voter registration from outside a naturalization ceremony at Miami's convention center. Although Florida Cubans lean toward Bush, new Hispanic and Haitian voters tend to vote for Democrats.
Block the Vote Hero
David Kunko
Chaves County Clerk, NM
New voters who did not register in Kunko's office personally have to show ID when they vote or their vote is not counted. This policy goes against usual practice and also contradicts what most new voters were told when they registered.
Block the Vote Hero
Dick Carlberg
Duval County Election Chief, FL
Duval County has engaged in a wealth of creative voter suppression tactics including misleading forms, miscounted votes, and more recently, the rejection of large numbers of minority voter registration forms.
Block the Vote Hero
Wally O'Dell
CEO of Diebold, Inc.
While pitching voting machines to Ohio, Wally told a GOP crowd that he is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President next year." Diebold has been charged with hiding severe security flaws in their e-voting machines.
Block the Vote Hero
Larry Russell
Director of Republican Victory Program, SD
Larry and six others were forced to resign over questionable absentee ballot applications, and the state Attorney General is investigating. According to an internal GOP party memo, Larry will now "lead the ground operations" for Bush in Ohio.
Block the Vote Hero
Nathan Sproul
Former-Head of Republican Party and Christian Coalition, AZ
Voters Outreach of America has been accused by former employees of shredding Democratic voter registration forms in Nevada. VOA is linked to a company run by Nathan. VOA has since moved to Oregon.
Block the Vote Hero
Oliver Kitzman
Ex-Waller County District Attorney, TX
Earlier this year in Texas, Oliver argued that students at a majority black college were not eligible to vote in the county where the school is located. Waller County has a long history of state sponsored-racism. Kitzman was forced to resign.