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"Block the Vote Heroes" Trading Cards - Jokers & Rules
Print them out, trade them with your friends, and honor as you see fit these Republican public servants who labor behind the scenes to ensure that the wrong people don't get a chance to vote.
Block the Vote Hero
John Ellis "Jeb" Bush
Governor of Florida
Jeb was in charge in 2000 when some 179,855 ballots were not counted in the official tally, 53% of them from black voters. Four years later, he ignored advice to scrap a faulty felons list that contained almost no hispanic names. (Cubans in Florida tend to vote Republican.)"
Block the Vote Hero
Karl Rove
Special Advisor to the President
The felon purge list strategy of vote blocking has appeared twice in elections: Texas (1982) and Florida (1998-2000). The only thing these events have in common is one man -- Karl Rove.
Felon Purging
Convicted criminals tend to vote for Democrats, and for this reason alone, they are a tempting target for vote blockers. The easiest way to play this is:
1.) Pass legislation that bans felons from voting.
2.) Hire a private firm to "create" the list.
3.) Scrub minority groups that may vote your way (optional).
4.) From the master list of registered voters, remove anyone whose name resembles a name appearing on the purge list.
This game is as easy as giving someone bad directions. Call or write voters who registered as members of an opposing party, and inform them that:
- their polling place has moved
- voting has been postponded due to bad weather
- their registration is invalid due to missing information
Poll Challenging
Numerous states have little known laws that allow for poll "challengers" from any party to demand to see proof of a voters age, name, address etc. The laws are intended to check biased poll workers (rarely a problem), but in reality, the "challengers" frequently intimidate first time voters.
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