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The videos below are large files (roughly 10MB) and may take a while to download even on high-speed connections. Please be patient, they're worth the wait!

Welcoming Karl Rove
Billionaires for Bush cheer Karl Rove's arrival at a big-money fundraiser in New York.
Video by Julie Tseselsky for IndyMedia Video NYC

Voting Machine
A music video for the hit song "Voting Machine", from our new album.
Video by Mark Read, Brenden Hussey, Josh Kalin & Howard Silver
Starring Ashley Smith and Alan Greenspend
Music by Felonius Ax

The Billionaires Are In The House
Our hit music video from the 2004 campaign, featuring 50 Billion.
Song by Cliff Tasner & Wil B
Emcee: Wil B
Vocals: Marion Ramsey, Ross Wright & Cliff Tasner
Produced by Cliff Tasner, Cathy Gesualdo & Kent Nichols
Directed by Miles Sonenbaum
Billionaire CD!
Stay the Course!
You decide
what you pay
per song!
Give 'em a listen!
Click here.
2008 Billionaire
Wall Calendar
Click here.
Now Available on DVD!
Own yours today. Click here.
Catch the trailer at GetontheLimo.com (Website requires Flash Player 8)
Whistle while you plunder: Buy our Music CDs

Watch the archives on the I.N.N. website, including a clip show of the first season,
Social Insecurity Calculator
See how much privatization will cost
taxpayers while we
reap billions!

Discover your Billionaire name!
