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Join the Billionaires for Bush Musical Movement!

Listen to 50 Billion's new hit song, New Regime

  Whether you sing along in the privacy of your own mansion or form a Global Greed Glee Club with your fellow CEOs to welcome the president to big-money fundraisers, here you'll find everything you need to beautifully voice your love for money, corporate power, and Georgie Bush.

Below you can download song sheets, instrumentals, and karaoke MP3s to all the songs from our new music CDs and start your own Billionaires Singing Group today!

Download the MP3s (right-click the links if you use a PC, option-click if you use a Mac), burn them onto a CD, and sing along to them at your next Billionaires action.

Contact Felonius Ax, our Minister of Musical Manipulation, for questions about the CDs or getting a Billionaires Singing Group started.

The Billionaires Are In The House

Song TitlesPDFsMP3sMP3s
1. Billionaires Choralesong sheet
2. Jobless Recoverysong sheetinstrumentalkaraoke
3. I'm A Texas Oilmansong sheetinstrumentalkaraoke
4. Georgie Made the Size of My
Wallet Grow
song sheetinstrumentalkaraoke
5. Race to the Bottomsong sheetinstrumental
6. Voting Machinesong sheetinstrumentalkaraoke
7. Public Lands / Private Handssong sheetinstrumentalkaraoke
8. Billionaires for Bush's Warsong sheetinstrumental
9. Making Medicare Go Bustsong sheetinstrumentalkaraoke
10. Pious Folks Are Plentifulsong sheetinstrumental
11. (Clear Channel) We Rule The Airsong sheetinstrumentalkaraoke
12. Mini-Nukes, Bunker Bombssong sheetinstrumentalkaraoke
13. When I Diesong sheetinstrumentalkaraoke
14. The Billionaires are In the Housesong sheetinstrumentalkaraoke

Here Come The Billionaires!

Song TitlesPDFsMP3sMP3s
1. Billionaires for Bushsong sheetinstrumental
2. Maquiladorasong sheetinstrumental
3. Prison Cellssong sheetinstrumental
4. Piece of the Forestsong sheetinstrumental
5. Let's Buy Pacificasong sheetinstrumental
6. Missile Defensesong sheetinstrumentalkaraoke
7. The Mergersong sheetinstrumental
8. We're Enronsong sheetinstrumentalkaraoke
9. Rest Easy Wealthy Gentlemensong sheetinstrumental
10. My DNAsong sheetinstrumental
11. Toys For The Worldsong sheetsinstrumental
12. (Hey George, Hey George) Repeal
The Tax!
song sheetinstrumental
13. America, The Bountifulsong sheetinstrumental

Cheney Is Innocent!

In honor of Cheney Is Innocent Day, our own Minister of Musical Manipulation, Mr. Felonius Ax, has written a song for you and your fellow Billionaires to sing. It's called "Dick Cheney Is The Man." You can sing it to the tune of "Amazing Grace," or you can use our own Billionaire tune, "Pious Folks Are Plentiful" off our CD The Billionaires Are In The House. If you sing it to our tune, you can download the mp3 of the instrumental track and burn a CD so you'll have a lovely Bluegrass band accompanying you. Another nice song you can sing on this special day is, "We're Enron" off of our first CD, Here Come The Billionaires.

Here are the lyrics to of both these songs.

Here is the lead sheet for "Dick Cheney Is The Man".

If you're really ambitious, here's a 4-part Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass vocal arrangement of the song for your Billionaire Choir to sing.

If you haven't purchased our CD and want to hear how "Pious Folks Are Plentiful Goes," download the MP3.

Here are the instrumental tracks to "Pious Folks" and "We're Enron".



Billionaire CD!
Stay the Course!
Stay the Course!

You decide
what you pay
per song!

Give 'em a listen!
Click here.

2008 Billionaire
Wall Calendar

The 2008 Billionaire Wall Calendar!

The 2008 Billionaire Wall Calendar! Click here.

Now Available
on DVD!
Get on the Limo! Click Here Now!

Own yours today.
Click here.

Catch the trailer at

(Website requires Flash Player 8)

Whistle while you plunder: Buy our Music CDs

Watch The Big Business Minute On INN! Click Here Now!

Watch the archives on the I.N.N. website, including a clip show of the first season,

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