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Billionaires for Bush Statement on "Don't Vote" Billboards

Below is the text of the B4B statement regarding its involvement in the controversial Minneapolis “Don’t Vote” billboards:

Fifteen billboards brazenly declaring "Don't Vote" have sprung up around the Twin Cities in the last few days, angering civil rights activists. Several are in areas with large minority populations, leading the NAACP and other groups to criticize even the suggestion that citizens shouldn't exercise the right to vote.

At the same time as these billboards appeared, theBillionaires for Bush launched a new hip hop single of the same name. "Don't Vote!" is written and sung by Wil B, a rap artist from South Central LA who works closely with the Billionaires for Bush under the name "50 Billion."

These twin developments have fueled speculation that the Billionaires for Bush were, in fact, the mystery sponsor behind the controversial billboards.

The billboards are owned by Clear Channel Communications Inc. While company spokespeople refuse to say who is paying for the billboards, they have acknowledged that the sponsor is paying about $60,000 for a "teaser" campaign whose full meaning would become clear when new billboards replace the "Don't Vote" message on Oct. 11.

In light of these developments, and in response to repeated inquiries, B4B CEO and Schmoozer-In-Chief, Phil T. Rich, issued the following statement:

“While Billionaires for Bush believes that putting up ’Don’t Vote’ billboards in minority neighborhoods is a positive development as well as an accurate reflection of several Republican-led efforts across the country to suppress the vote, we are concerned that our messaging may be misinterpreted, which is why we are now issuing this statement.

“If the corporate elite is to retain its comfortable headlock on power, it is important that the rabble stay home on November 2nd. If all the wage earners, single women, youth of color, and others who may not fully appreciate the benefits that have trickled down to them from the richest 1% over the past four years actually voted, it could be a real problem for Bush and therefore also for us Billionaires.”

“Further, while it is true that our smash hip hop single (“Don’t Vote” - ) uses the same slogan and was released at the same time as these billboards went up, we also understand how this could be seen by some members of the community as an utterly mind-boggling coincidence.

“Finally, we also understand that the launch of our own vote-suppression campaign (“Block the Vote” - this Sunday, October 10th in 27 states, on the day before the mystery sponsor of these billboards is revealed, could also be seen as an utterly mind-boggling coincidence.



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