Billionaires for Bush

Low-Liquidity Billionaire?

When you told your butler to buy some Bacardi, did he accidently make an over-leveraged hostile takeover? Are yacht repairs impairing your end-of-the-year liquidity? We've all been there.

We're offering needy Billionaires the chance to attend our inaugural re-coronation ball for the pittance of $10.

Give us your hardluck story, and perhaps a talent or skill which we could put to use at the ball or in the future, and you can get an advance ticket for $10. We may also make some tickets available at the door at pauper prices.

First Name:
Last Name:
E-mail address:

Your hardluck story and/or an offer of exploitable talent or skill:

Approved stories will be displayed on our webpage. But if your hardluck story doesn't touch our pursestrings or funnybones, you'll hear from us.

What? Work? I'd rather buy a regular ticket.