Billionaires bird-dog Bush & Cheney across the heartland!
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Thanks to an invigorated field team and a smashing new campus organizer (Mona Polist), new Billionaire chapters are springing up everywhere, including: Pittsburgh, PA; Memphis, TN; Cleveland, OH; Toledo, OH; Milwaukee, WI; Farmington, NH; Tallahassee, FL; York, PA; Tucson, AZ; and Meadville, PA.
To see if there’s a chapter in your area or to start your own: http://billionairesforbush.com/beabillionaire.php
From Meadville, PA to Duluth, MN, Billionaires for Bush have been all over the battleground states, giving the big thumbs up to George Bush — and in one case, even getting a thumbs-up back!
In a test drive of our Rapid Response Network, we were able to mobilize chapters and supporters to appear at several rapid-fire Bush & Cheney campaigns stops throughout the swing states, including Cedar Rapids, IA; Jacksonville, FL; Ashwaubenon, WI; and Minneapolis, MN, where 50 Billionaires welcomed Cheney with a "Billionaires for Bush Breakfast Ball".
To join the Billionaires Rapid Deployment Force (RDF), please write to rapid@billionairesforbush.com.
In a test drive of our "Get-On-The-Limo" tour, five carloads of Billionaires from NY and PA town-hopped their way through Eastern PA celebrating Dubya's forward-thinking, CEO-friendly leadership at three separate Bush-Cheney campaign stops.
In Kutztown, we marched down Main St., where a mix of Bush & Kerry supporters were lined up to welcome the President (or not). As his campaign bus barreled through at 35 mph, we doffed our top hats. Through the bulletproof glass we could see him: he was on auto-pilot, waving at everyone, until suddenly he caught sight of our "Billionaires for Bush: We’re All In This Together, Sort Of" banner, and did a quick head-swiveling double-take.
By the last stop, in York, PA, the press bus honked at us as if to say, "Who are these people? They’re everywhere!" and the President gave us an enthusiastic double thumbs up — no kidding. Soon after, we were welcomed into a throng of pro-Bush supporters. When they chanted "Four More Years!" we began "Four More Wars!" and they joined in. It wasn’t until we invited them to join us in a local TV interview that they realized we were not quite like them...
Finally, a particularly inspiring example comes from Meadville, a small town in Northwestern PA, in the middle of Bush Country. In a town where street theater had never been done before, a handful of newly-minted Billionaires put together an action in one day’s time, showing up dressed to the nines, and riling up a local Republican Party Bush Rally in the center of town. Here's the back story from Meadville’s brand new chapter secretary, Marcia Metcalfe (aka Milly O'Nair):
"We were impressed with the idea of confronting conservatives with the economic contradictions of their support for Bush and his administration. I went to the web site and found it perfect for what we needed to pull together something in a day. We plan to continue. It was fun. It was empowering. we have gotten several comments from others congratulating us and endorsing this kind of action."
Read an interesting article from the Meadville Tribune and tactical comments posted to the blog by our CEO, Phil T. Rich.
The "Get on the Limo" Tour will head out from Boston on Wednesday, July 28:
If you’re interested in helping out* (hosting Billionaires overnight or helping with local actions when the Limo comes through), please contact Monet Oliver d’Place.
* Particularly if you live in or near one of these cities along the tour: Allentown, Harrisburg, Scranton, Pittsburgh, Youngstown, Toledo, Akron, Cleveland, Ann Arbor, Oshkosh, Sheboygan, Madison, Minneapolis, Des Moines, St. Louis, Memphis, Nashville, Cincinnati, Dayton, Columbus