June 19: National Day of Action!
Tired of all this whining about affordable health care? What about health threats to our drug and insurance profits? Uninsured Americans are starting to organize against our bottom line. They're holding rallies nationwide on June 19 to "Bridge the Gap for Health Care". They must be stopped. Now is the time to counter-demonstrate!

A National Day of Action sponsored by Billionaires for Bush
Saturday, June 19, 2004, In Cities Nationwide
Put on your finest Billionaire attire and take to the streets. Contact your local chapter or organize your own counter-demonstration! Rally to widen the gap regardless of whether those health care nuts are gathering in your fine city.
$ Find out if the public interest mongers with Americans for Health Care are crossing a bridge near you.
$ Visit our Widen the Healthcare Gap! page for additional info and resources.
$ Staging a Billionaire action without a proper B4B Banner is like holding a christening for your new yacht without the champagne. Place an order here by midnight Pacific time tonight (Friday), and you’ll get one in time for your June 19 action.
$ Avoid the last-minute scramble to perfect your billionaire image. Fashion kits (his and hers) are now available at our online store!
For questions or help organizing an action in your area, dictate a note to Iona Bigga Yacht.