Whose Moments? Our Moments!

Billionaires for Bush proudly announces our latest weapon in the 2004 class war! The Billionaire Moments with Miss Xena Phobe are a series of 60-second radio commentaries from the point of view of those who own and control our government. They masterfully expound upon such salient topics as:

$ Why mercury poisoning is good for America

$ How Dick Cheney and Halliburton aren't in a relationship, they're just good friends!

$ How John Kerry panders to the special interests of ordinary Americans

Listen to them all and vote for your favorite!

If you like them, please help us get them ON THE AIR. Donate here:

You can also help by contacting your local biased-towards-regular-folks community or college radio station to demand a little more balance. Each Billionaire Moment is one minute in length so it can be easily dropped into any radio program to turn it into a Billionaire-style celebration of wealth and power! High-quality, ready-for-broadcast versions are available for easy download on the site:

Finally, pass this note along to your associates! Some of our upperclass friends are still hiding behind boardroom doors and tinted Humvee windows, needlessly circumspect about our wise investments in Bush's administration. Tell them that it's time to come out of the vault and make every dollar count!


It's simple. All you have to do is write a neat script of no more than 115 words, and we'll do production and all the rest. You just kick back and wait for your own Billionaire analysis of the issues of the day to ring out over the airwaves. Miss Xena Phobe's production crew is currently soliciting Billionaire Moment scripts. For details visit:


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